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Praise The
Orig Key: A | New Key:

Title: Praise The King

Key: A

Verse 1

Quiet on verse1

D                                        A   Esus
There’s a reason why the curse of sin is broken
There’s a reason why the darkness runs from
  A  Esus
D                                        F#m
There’s a reason why we stand here now forgiven
Esus        A
Jesus is alive

Verse 2

D                                   A   Esus
There’s a reason why we are not overtaken
There’s a reason why we sing on through the
  A  Esus
D                                        F#m
There’s a reason why our hope remains eternal
Esus       A
Jesus is alive



D          A     Esus    F#m
Praise the King, He is risen
D          A           Esus
Praise the King, He’s alive
D          A     Esus     F#m
Praise the King, death's defeated
D          A     Esus F#m
Hallelujah He’s alive 
D          A     Esus
Hallelujah He’s alive

Verse 3

There’s a reason why our hearts can be
   A    Esus
D                                      A   Esus
There’s a reason why the dead are made alive
D                                    F#m
There’s a reason why we share His resurrection
Esus      A
Jesus is alive (Oh He’s alive.



    D                A
The grave could not ignore it
Esus             F#m
all of heaven’s roaring
D                      A
Hell where is your victory
F#m                Esus  A
Death where is your sting
D                    A
The world could not ignore it
Esus                     F#m
When all the saints are roaring
D                      A
Hell where is your victory
F#m                Esus
Death where is your sting



D          A     Esus    F#m
Praise the King, He is risen
D          A     Esus
Praise the King, He’s alive
D          A     Esus    F#m
Praise the King, deaths defeated
D          A     Esus
Hallelujah He’s alive
D          A     Esus
Hallelujah He’s alive

no repeat